Be Brilliant Be Brilliant

We are a global agency that delivers Legacy Ideas for brands, which help a brand to grow and can be proudly passed on.

A Legacy Idea is simple

A Legacy Idea is branded

A Legacy Idea is brilliant.

We have worked with clients on every continent and developed creative from our base in London that has run in 120 countries - more countries than WPP has offices.

We get that clients face short-term challenges and have a proven, agile ‘Brand Hothouse’ process to address them. (Spoiler alert: the solution is a long-term idea.) This process aligns the views of multiple stakeholders and creates the pathway for the brand’s Legacy Idea.

We are 100% owned by our staff so everyone is motivated to deliver the highest possible ROI for our clients.

Our ‘I’m a fan’ campaign has helped Mandarin Oriental grow 800% since launch by securing over 100 A-listers to take part without paying them. We even re-united the Beatles.

Key questions

For each client we create a Legacy Idea that solves short-term challenges with long-term thinking. Each Legacy Idea has to answer four key questions:

1. Is it simple?

2. Does it stand out?

3. Will people remember the brand name?

4. Will it stand the test of time?

According to Yankelevich, people today are bombarded by over 10,000 messages a day. It is hard to remember one ad from yesterday, so we ensure we take complex communication challenges and make them simple, as it is scientifically proven that simple messages enter the brain quicker and stay there longer.

Next, we need to ensure people notice your message, so it has to be distinctive – literally to make it standout - not just from your competitors but from everything else that is bombarding your audience.

How many times do you hear people saying: “I saw a great ad last night” but then when asked who it was for, reply “sorry, I can’t remember”? We are not in the entertainment business. We believe that if an ad does not sell then it’s not creative. To do that, people have to be able to recall the name of your brand.

Brand building is a long-term task, of which advertising is a key component, but too often agencies push new campaigns before the previous one has gained traction with the consumer. We focus on creative that builds Brand Assets over time, which deliver a payback beyond the period of the investment.

When you look at any of our work we trust you will see that it has positively answered all these questions.